Painting Engine Bay - First Coat

I unbolted the top of the fenders and slid them back a little bit to expose a little more of the firewall, and i also took off all the plastic around the windscreen wipers. Then i took the the engine bay with some 60 grit sandpaper, removing various brackets and whatnot as i went along, i also removed all the little plastic gromits in the engine bay. Focusing more on the areas that needed slightly more sanding, such as under the brake booster and master cylinder, i rubbed back the entire engine bay enough to leave it rather bare and rough enough for the paint to stick well. I finished up by getting an air compressor and blowing all the dust away.
Then i simply took to the engine bay with a can of plack gloss spraypaint, only a nice light coat as we all know runs are a bitch. Not really much else to write about here, hold button and point can at engine bay, whoopdeefuckingdoo. Oh yea but it's best to wear a mask when doing this, or you'll be picking black snot out your nose the next day, trust me.
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